$2109 Per Person Double . $ 1929 PP Triple . $ 1829 PP Quad . $ 2799 Single Occupancy
It’s no wonder that over a million visitors travel annually to visit our Nation’s Capital to Washington DC with all its monuments, museums, art galleries, libraries, shrines, churches, parks and monumental buildings, squares and more. It’s an honor for Happy Trails Tours to bring groups to this magnificent city richly endowed with American history. We’ve been taking groups to DC for 30 years! Needless to say… we know what our customers want to see. We’ve included FIVE wonderful nights in Vienna, Virginia at the Hilton Garden Inn Tyson's Corner AND one night in Gettysburg, PA to include Civil War history. Read on for more details on this patriotic 11 day package to Washington DC.
This 11 Day Washington DC Tour Includes:
Round-trip motor coach transportation by Trobec’s Bus Company- Grand Rapids; Iron Range; Duluth /Superior;
Brainerd, Little Falls, Rice, Sartell, Anoka and Eau Clair, WI
10 nights of great accommodations- Five nights at the Hilton Garden Inn Tyson's Corner in Vienna, VA (30-40 minutes from DC)
Other overnights: Elgin, Illinois (2X); Columbus, Ohio; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; Grove City, Ohio
15 Meals- Breakfast each morning at the hotels, Two Lunches, One Dinner and Two Light Dinners w/ Cocktails at the Drury Inn
Memorials & Monuments: Lincoln, Jefferson, Vietnam, Korean, Iwo Jima, WW II, Air Force and FDR , MKL, Police & Air Force Memorial
Smithsonian’s: Visit the Natural History & American History, Air & Space (Length of stay at the Smithsonian’s are as time allows)
United States Capitol- To Include a Film, the Great Rotunda Hall and Statuary Hall.
Nat’l Archives, Ford’s Theater, Mount Vernon Plantation / Estate in Alexandria
Side Trip to Quantico, VA to see the new United States Marine Corp Museum
Arlington National Cemetery – Tourmobile, Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier & Kennedy Gravesites.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania- Includes overnight in Gettysburg, National Battlefield tour and the new Cyclorama /Museum & Dinner.
Flight 93 New Memorial in Shanksville, PA
Washington DC Historian throughout our five days in Washington DC (including tip) and Gettysburg Guide
All Taxes, Most Tips and Luggage Handling, Fully Escorted with a Happy Trails Tours Representative
· Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservation is considered secure without a deposit paid.
· Deposit of $150 per person is due when registering. Final balance is due Feb 20, 2022. Final documents will arrive mid- March.
· Full refunds available with cancellations made no later December 1, 2021. Money orders, personal checks, credit card accepted.
· Monies returned with cancellations from 12/01/21 to 02/1/22 are contingent on what Happy Trails Tours receives back from hotels, tour companies, charters, restaurants, and other attractions. No refunds with cancellations after 02/01/22.
· Cancellation insurance is available at an additional charge and can offer peace of mind & financial security. Pre-existing conditions are waived when purchased within 12 days of your initial down payment. Call us for a brochure. 1-800-635-7779
Things to “Know before you go on your Washington DC Tour”
How to Dress: Pack light. Bring casual clothing, comfortable shoes & a lightweight jacket as well as warm jacket. Everything we are doing or places we eat are casual. No need to pack a suitcoat & tie or dress outfits. We sugget layering your clothing - if it's rainy, it can be bone chilling cold! Be prepared. It can also be HOT.
Luggage: Pack one suitcase each. This suitcase is delivered each night to your rooms by the porter. (Tips are included so no need to tip twice). You may bring a carry-on bag, as well, on board. Carry-on bags are handled by yourself. Do not make them heavier than what you can carrry. Pack a swimming suit if you enjoy the pool, bring a camera, a raincoat, & an umbrella. It is wise to pack an alarm clock, too, as sometimes a glitch occurs for wake-up calls from the front desk.
Hotels: The hotels are very nice throughout the entire tour. Most have indoor pools, coffeemakers, irons, ironing boards and fitness centers. Read the day-by-day about each property. The Drury Inn offers a “Quick Start” hot and cold appetizers and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) from 5 – 7 pm each day.
Meals: There are many nice meals included in this tour. Most breakfasts are deluxe continental breakfast (which are very complete) and some are full hot style breakfasts. The meals included are sit-down style, some of which you’ll have several entrée’s to select from in advance of the event. Be sure to put any special diet requests on your final invoices included in this envelope. Tips for the waiters/waitresses are inlcuded for the meals we pre-packaged. Tips are not included for other meals that you pay for on own.
The Coach/ Seat Rotation: The coach is a new 56 passenger motorcoach with reclining seats, big windows, restroom, TV’, CD & DVD and chartered through Trobec’s Bus Company, St Stephens. They are beautiful coaches and they have fantastic drivers. We do NOT rotate seats so you will keep the seat you have throughout the tour. If you have a special need for seating, kindly let us know in advance. Special requests for seating cannot be promised and are taken on a first-come, first served basis. All seating is preassigned prior to departure. Any special reqeusts must be noted in writing on your application forms in advance of the tour. We stop every 2 - 3 hours for breaks. PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes we end up on a stretch of interstate that may prevent us from stopping exactly at 2.5 or 3 hours. We do our best to accommodate but remember…there’s also a restroom on board IF you need it. Thank you for your understanding.
Special Needs: Be sure to let us know of any special needs...such as diet, walking, stairs, allergies or motion sickness, etc…. Any special reqeusts must be noted in writing on your application forms in advance of the tour. If you use a wheelchair, walker (one with a seat is best) or a scooter, please let us know. Please refrain from using strong cologns or perfumes while on board the coach. So many folks have allergies and we want everyone comfortable while traveling. Diabetics are encouraged to bring along some little snacks as we cannot always promise meal breaks on schedule though we do our best to. Remember we are also on eastern time zone. So pack accordingly.
Tipping: The tour includes tips for luggage handling, meals and step-on-guides while touring Washington DC and Gettysburg. Tips are NOT included for your driver & on board travel host. Standard tip recommended is several dollars per day per person but it is entirely up to the individual.
Schedule Changes: We reserve the right to adjust this schedule for the benefit of all traveling. Sometimes changes occur beyond our control. If a change occurs, we will let you know and try to adjust the schudule with something of equal value or better. We have no control over any of the attractions listed in this flyer nor can we control our Nation’s Government. Changes can occur especially during now with the world events that are occurring.
Travel Protection Insurance: Travel protection insurance is available to folks for many different types of emergencies that may result in a personal cancellation on this tour. However, many factors may apply in whether coverage would apply. Please read through the enclosed brochure and decide if you are interested in travel protection insurance at an additional charge. Many people think it’s just a medical insurance policy (and it’s not) and some even believe that their homeowners insurance covers last minute cancellations, which is does not. Most of our clientele are seniors so many of those registering for tours may have medical situations that arise. Travel protection insurance offers financial security as well as, “peace of mind”.
Covid-19 Mandates & Restrictions: For the safety of both customers and staff, Happy Trail Tours will be following all CDC and individual state guidelines and mandates that are in place at the time of travel.
Holocaust Smithsonian: We do not include the Holocaust Museum because it is graphic and emotional and many of our customers have a difficult time going there. We will tell you it is an amazing museum and if this is something you wish to do, no problem…we can direct you there. There is one thing that makes this museum a bit more challenging. You must have a ticket in advance (especially during Cherry Blossom time) and they are timed (cost is minimal). These can be obtained over the internet. If you should decide to secure a ticket over the internet, call us first so that we may advise you in a good time to secure the ticket. It may be best to try to obtain the tickets once you arrive to DC just in case, but during such a busy time of year, tickets may simply not be available. Please let us know if you want to go there and we’ll try our best to make this happen for you!
Please note: There’s NEVER enough time to see everything in this magnificent city…and everyone’s interests vary. We do promise a wonderful well-scheduled
tour so you can enjoy the things you are seeing. Generally, we leave the hotel after breakfast about 8:30 am and then return in time for dinner (between 6-7 pm). On occasion, we will take an evening drive back into the city to see some of the monuments lit up at night. (They are beautiful). We try to get folks back to their hotel rooms in the early evening whenever possible, so they have time to unwind and relax before retiring for bed. Hopefully, you start the next morning refreshed and ready to begin another great day of sightseeing. Keep in mind…when you think DC…. think “pavement” and “walking”. Buses cannot drop off at front doors here. When we say "next to" or "near by" ... it may mean a space as big as a parking lot. The buses cannot stay running in the city, either. They must leave immediately after unloading passengers and return only minutes before it is time to re-board. Because we have a full-time historian / guide on board while in the city, it allows our Happy Trails host to help those with special needs who may need extra help.
Disclaimer: Happy Trails Tours acts only as an agent for the various independent suppliers that provide hotel accommodations, transportation, theater, or other services connected with this tour. Such services are subject to the terms and conditions of those suppliers. Happy Trails Tours, INC and their respective employees, agents, representatives accept no liability what-so-ever for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or any other default of any company or person in performing these services. Responsibility is not accepted for losses, injury, damages, or expenses of any kind due to sickness, weather, strikes, hostilities, wars, terrorist acts, acts of nature, local laws, or other causes. All services and accommodations are subject to the laws and regulations of country in which they are provided. Happy Trails Tours INC is not responsible for any baggage or personal effects of any individual participating in the tours/trips arranged by Happy Trails Tours. Individual travelers are responsible for purchasing a travel insurance policy, if desired, that will cover some of the expenses associated with the loss of luggage or personal effects.
How to Dress: Pack light. Bring casual clothing, comfortable shoes & a lightweight jacket as well as warm jacket. Everything we are doing or places we eat are casual. No need to pack a suitcoat & tie or dress outfits. We sugget layering your clothing - if it's rainy, it can be bone chilling cold! Be prepared. It can also be HOT.
Luggage: Pack one suitcase each. This suitcase is delivered each night to your rooms by the porter. (Tips are included so no need to tip twice). You may bring a carry-on bag, as well, on board. Carry-on bags are handled by yourself. Do not make them heavier than what you can carrry. Pack a swimming suit if you enjoy the pool, bring a camera, a raincoat, & an umbrella. It is wise to pack an alarm clock, too, as sometimes a glitch occurs for wake-up calls from the front desk.
Hotels: The hotels are very nice throughout the entire tour. Most have indoor pools, coffeemakers, irons, ironing boards and fitness centers. Read the day-by-day about each property. The Drury Inn offers a “Quick Start” hot and cold appetizers and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) from 5 – 7 pm each day.
Meals: There are many nice meals included in this tour. Most breakfasts are deluxe continental breakfast (which are very complete) and some are full hot style breakfasts. The meals included are sit-down style, some of which you’ll have several entrée’s to select from in advance of the event. Be sure to put any special diet requests on your final invoices included in this envelope. Tips for the waiters/waitresses are inlcuded for the meals we pre-packaged. Tips are not included for other meals that you pay for on own.
The Coach/ Seat Rotation: The coach is a new 56 passenger motorcoach with reclining seats, big windows, restroom, TV’, CD & DVD and chartered through Trobec’s Bus Company, St Stephens. They are beautiful coaches and they have fantastic drivers. We do NOT rotate seats so you will keep the seat you have throughout the tour. If you have a special need for seating, kindly let us know in advance. Special requests for seating cannot be promised and are taken on a first-come, first served basis. All seating is preassigned prior to departure. Any special reqeusts must be noted in writing on your application forms in advance of the tour. We stop every 2 - 3 hours for breaks. PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes we end up on a stretch of interstate that may prevent us from stopping exactly at 2.5 or 3 hours. We do our best to accommodate but remember…there’s also a restroom on board IF you need it. Thank you for your understanding.
Special Needs: Be sure to let us know of any special needs...such as diet, walking, stairs, allergies or motion sickness, etc…. Any special reqeusts must be noted in writing on your application forms in advance of the tour. If you use a wheelchair, walker (one with a seat is best) or a scooter, please let us know. Please refrain from using strong cologns or perfumes while on board the coach. So many folks have allergies and we want everyone comfortable while traveling. Diabetics are encouraged to bring along some little snacks as we cannot always promise meal breaks on schedule though we do our best to. Remember we are also on eastern time zone. So pack accordingly.
Tipping: The tour includes tips for luggage handling, meals and step-on-guides while touring Washington DC and Gettysburg. Tips are NOT included for your driver & on board travel host. Standard tip recommended is several dollars per day per person but it is entirely up to the individual.
Schedule Changes: We reserve the right to adjust this schedule for the benefit of all traveling. Sometimes changes occur beyond our control. If a change occurs, we will let you know and try to adjust the schudule with something of equal value or better. We have no control over any of the attractions listed in this flyer nor can we control our Nation’s Government. Changes can occur especially during now with the world events that are occurring.
Travel Protection Insurance: Travel protection insurance is available to folks for many different types of emergencies that may result in a personal cancellation on this tour. However, many factors may apply in whether coverage would apply. Please read through the enclosed brochure and decide if you are interested in travel protection insurance at an additional charge. Many people think it’s just a medical insurance policy (and it’s not) and some even believe that their homeowners insurance covers last minute cancellations, which is does not. Most of our clientele are seniors so many of those registering for tours may have medical situations that arise. Travel protection insurance offers financial security as well as, “peace of mind”.
Covid-19 Mandates & Restrictions: For the safety of both customers and staff, Happy Trail Tours will be following all CDC and individual state guidelines and mandates that are in place at the time of travel.
Holocaust Smithsonian: We do not include the Holocaust Museum because it is graphic and emotional and many of our customers have a difficult time going there. We will tell you it is an amazing museum and if this is something you wish to do, no problem…we can direct you there. There is one thing that makes this museum a bit more challenging. You must have a ticket in advance (especially during Cherry Blossom time) and they are timed (cost is minimal). These can be obtained over the internet. If you should decide to secure a ticket over the internet, call us first so that we may advise you in a good time to secure the ticket. It may be best to try to obtain the tickets once you arrive to DC just in case, but during such a busy time of year, tickets may simply not be available. Please let us know if you want to go there and we’ll try our best to make this happen for you!
Please note: There’s NEVER enough time to see everything in this magnificent city…and everyone’s interests vary. We do promise a wonderful well-scheduled
tour so you can enjoy the things you are seeing. Generally, we leave the hotel after breakfast about 8:30 am and then return in time for dinner (between 6-7 pm). On occasion, we will take an evening drive back into the city to see some of the monuments lit up at night. (They are beautiful). We try to get folks back to their hotel rooms in the early evening whenever possible, so they have time to unwind and relax before retiring for bed. Hopefully, you start the next morning refreshed and ready to begin another great day of sightseeing. Keep in mind…when you think DC…. think “pavement” and “walking”. Buses cannot drop off at front doors here. When we say "next to" or "near by" ... it may mean a space as big as a parking lot. The buses cannot stay running in the city, either. They must leave immediately after unloading passengers and return only minutes before it is time to re-board. Because we have a full-time historian / guide on board while in the city, it allows our Happy Trails host to help those with special needs who may need extra help.
Disclaimer: Happy Trails Tours acts only as an agent for the various independent suppliers that provide hotel accommodations, transportation, theater, or other services connected with this tour. Such services are subject to the terms and conditions of those suppliers. Happy Trails Tours, INC and their respective employees, agents, representatives accept no liability what-so-ever for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or any other default of any company or person in performing these services. Responsibility is not accepted for losses, injury, damages, or expenses of any kind due to sickness, weather, strikes, hostilities, wars, terrorist acts, acts of nature, local laws, or other causes. All services and accommodations are subject to the laws and regulations of country in which they are provided. Happy Trails Tours INC is not responsible for any baggage or personal effects of any individual participating in the tours/trips arranged by Happy Trails Tours. Individual travelers are responsible for purchasing a travel insurance policy, if desired, that will cover some of the expenses associated with the loss of luggage or personal effects.
Day 1-March 29 (Tuesday) Travel to Elgin, Illinois 445 Miles from Duluth
Trobec Bus Company is our charter company. They offer beautiful new deluxe motor coaches with reclining seats, huge windows, restroom on board, window shades, foot and arm rests, TV, CD and DVD player, sound system, #110 outlets, WiFi, cup holders and seat belts.
Trobec Bus Company (Northeast MN)
____5:20 am- Gr Rapids Super Eight - (702 S Pokegama (218-327-1108)
____6:15 am- Hibbing Park Hotel -1402 E Howard - (218-262-3481)
____6:45 am- Virginia Village Inn -1500 13th St S (749-8289)
____7:00 am- Eveleth Super Eight -1080 Industrial Park Dr (744-1661)
____7:25 am- Cotton Wilbert's Cafe -9105 Hwy 53 ( 218-343-1994)
8:00– 9:00 am- Breakfast, paying on own, at Perkins in Duluth / Miller Hill Mall
____8:45 am-Duluth Perkins Miller Hill Mall - 1302 Miller Trunk Hwy - (218-727-4188)
(Bus departs from Duluth at 9:00 am and continues our journey southeast)
Trobec Bus Company (Northeast MN)
____5:20 am- Gr Rapids Super Eight - (702 S Pokegama (218-327-1108)
____6:15 am- Hibbing Park Hotel -1402 E Howard - (218-262-3481)
____6:45 am- Virginia Village Inn -1500 13th St S (749-8289)
____7:00 am- Eveleth Super Eight -1080 Industrial Park Dr (744-1661)
____7:25 am- Cotton Wilbert's Cafe -9105 Hwy 53 ( 218-343-1994)
8:00– 9:00 am- Breakfast, paying on own, at Perkins in Duluth / Miller Hill Mall
____8:45 am-Duluth Perkins Miller Hill Mall - 1302 Miller Trunk Hwy - (218-727-4188)
(Bus departs from Duluth at 9:00 am and continues our journey southeast)
12:00 pm - All will meet in Eau Clair (or a little earlier) at the Oakwood Mall–This is a great venue to grab a quick lunch before we continue on.
1:00 pm- Bus departs. Other stops will be made as we go along ~ Enjoy your day getting acquainted with each other.
We'll begin early morning motor coach departures in Northeast and Central Minnesota with our friends from the Trobec Bus Company of St Stephens, Minnesota. Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Virginia, Eveleth, Virginia, Duluth and Superior will be convenient cities in Northeast Minnesota where you will be greeted with a friendly smile. Likewise, a warm greeting awaits those from Central Minnesota...where you can expect to board the coach in Baxter, Little Falls, Rice and Sartell. Other areas along our journey southeast to Illinois will be offered as we receive requests. Sit back and relax as you get acquainted with fellow travelers. Comfort stops will be made as the day progresses.
6:00 pm- Estimated arrival to our hotel to Elgin, Illinois.
Hotel: Country Inn by Carlson 2270 Point Blvd, Elgin, Illinois # 847-426-6400
This property has an indoor pool, coffeemakers, irons & ironing boards in the rooms as well as hair dryers. They also offer a very good breakfast in the morning. There are great restaurants within walking distance of this property.
1:00 pm- Bus departs. Other stops will be made as we go along ~ Enjoy your day getting acquainted with each other.
We'll begin early morning motor coach departures in Northeast and Central Minnesota with our friends from the Trobec Bus Company of St Stephens, Minnesota. Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Virginia, Eveleth, Virginia, Duluth and Superior will be convenient cities in Northeast Minnesota where you will be greeted with a friendly smile. Likewise, a warm greeting awaits those from Central Minnesota...where you can expect to board the coach in Baxter, Little Falls, Rice and Sartell. Other areas along our journey southeast to Illinois will be offered as we receive requests. Sit back and relax as you get acquainted with fellow travelers. Comfort stops will be made as the day progresses.
6:00 pm- Estimated arrival to our hotel to Elgin, Illinois.
Hotel: Country Inn by Carlson 2270 Point Blvd, Elgin, Illinois # 847-426-6400
This property has an indoor pool, coffeemakers, irons & ironing boards in the rooms as well as hair dryers. They also offer a very good breakfast in the morning. There are great restaurants within walking distance of this property.
Day 2: March 30 (Wednesday) Travel to Columbus, Ohio 349 miles
6:00 -8:00 am – Breakfast is served in the hotel – Set your luggage outside your doors at 6:30 am when you go to eat.
8:00 am- The bus departs Elgin, Illinois for Columbus, Ohio
This is another day dedicated to travel … so set your seats back, enjoy the company of fellow travelers on board, stops will be made every 2 ½ - 3 hours for meals and restroom stops. We will travel through the states of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio today. We will lose an hour as we move into the Eastern Time Zone today.
5:00 pm- (Eastern Time) – Arrive to our hotel. Light Dinner / Drinks begins at 5:30 - 7:00 pm, included Hotel: Drury Inn Columbus NW – 6170 Park Center Circle, Columbus, OH # 614-789-8802
This Drury Inn will offer a wonderful hot buffet of appetizers, snacks, and hot & cold beverages upon our arrival. Many people tell us they are satisfied with what is offered. However, there is a nice restaurant within walking distance. This property also offers two beds in the room, coffee makers, microwaves, hair dryers, irons & ironing boards.
Day 3: March 31 (Thursday) Travel to Washington DC 414 miles
6:00 – 7:30 am – Breakfast is served in the hotel – Set your luggage outside your doors at 6:30 am when you go to eat.
7:30 am- The bus departs Ohio for Vienna, Virginia. Stops will be made as they day goes along. Set your seats back and enjoy the scenery! The state of Pennsylvania is absolutely beautiful~
4:00 pm- Estimated arrival to Vienna – Take the rest of the evening at our leisure ~ with dinner, paying on own.
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn - Tyson's Corner - 8301 Boone Blvd, Vienna, VA (5 Nights) #703-336-5373
The beautiful Hilton Garden Inn Tyson's Corner is in a fabulous location in Vienna, Virginia (About 40 minutes from downtown Washington DC.) The property has a, fitness-center, free- WI, a lounge and cafe. They also provide a hot breakfast each morning. There are coffee makers, microwaves, hair dryers, irons & ironing boards in the rooms. They have coin operated guest laundry. We are awfully close to the Tyson's Corner Shopping Mall and they will offer free shuttles to anyone who would enjoy going there. (300 Stores, Anchor stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdales, and Nordstrom’s plus fabulous restaurants. They are open until 9:30 pm every night.)
6:00 -8:00 am – Breakfast is served in the hotel – Set your luggage outside your doors at 6:30 am when you go to eat.
8:00 am- The bus departs Elgin, Illinois for Columbus, Ohio
This is another day dedicated to travel … so set your seats back, enjoy the company of fellow travelers on board, stops will be made every 2 ½ - 3 hours for meals and restroom stops. We will travel through the states of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio today. We will lose an hour as we move into the Eastern Time Zone today.
5:00 pm- (Eastern Time) – Arrive to our hotel. Light Dinner / Drinks begins at 5:30 - 7:00 pm, included Hotel: Drury Inn Columbus NW – 6170 Park Center Circle, Columbus, OH # 614-789-8802
This Drury Inn will offer a wonderful hot buffet of appetizers, snacks, and hot & cold beverages upon our arrival. Many people tell us they are satisfied with what is offered. However, there is a nice restaurant within walking distance. This property also offers two beds in the room, coffee makers, microwaves, hair dryers, irons & ironing boards.
Day 3: March 31 (Thursday) Travel to Washington DC 414 miles
6:00 – 7:30 am – Breakfast is served in the hotel – Set your luggage outside your doors at 6:30 am when you go to eat.
7:30 am- The bus departs Ohio for Vienna, Virginia. Stops will be made as they day goes along. Set your seats back and enjoy the scenery! The state of Pennsylvania is absolutely beautiful~
4:00 pm- Estimated arrival to Vienna – Take the rest of the evening at our leisure ~ with dinner, paying on own.
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn - Tyson's Corner - 8301 Boone Blvd, Vienna, VA (5 Nights) #703-336-5373
The beautiful Hilton Garden Inn Tyson's Corner is in a fabulous location in Vienna, Virginia (About 40 minutes from downtown Washington DC.) The property has a, fitness-center, free- WI, a lounge and cafe. They also provide a hot breakfast each morning. There are coffee makers, microwaves, hair dryers, irons & ironing boards in the rooms. They have coin operated guest laundry. We are awfully close to the Tyson's Corner Shopping Mall and they will offer free shuttles to anyone who would enjoy going there. (300 Stores, Anchor stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdales, and Nordstrom’s plus fabulous restaurants. They are open until 9:30 pm every night.)
Day 4: April 1 (Friday) Exploring our Nation’s Capitol in Washington
6:30-8:00- Breakfast is served in the restaurant at the hotel. Help yourselves.
Meet our Washington DC Tour Guide at the hotel.
Our guide will be with us throughout the next four days while we are in the Federal City.
7:15 am-Board the coach and begin exploring this amazing historic city! We had hoped for a later departure this morning but the only appointment time we could get for Ford's Theater was 9 a m.
(This was our appointment in 2019. It may be confirmed a different time in 2022.)
Arrive to downtown DC for our visit to the Ford’s Theater!
8:30 am- We'll get in line for our 9 am appointment. We were finally able to secure tickets for a 9 AM on this Thursday. We don't get many choices in "when and what time" for many of the DC attractions. So, we are thrilled to be visiting Ford's Theater first thing in the morning and to start out our wonderful five days in the city.
After our Ford's Theater visit, our plan is to visit a variety of historic DC attractions prior to visiting the capitol building...
Vietnam, Korean, Lincoln Memorials and the World War II Memorials.
We will tuck a lunch break in this afternoon time - prior to continuing touring throughout the day.
After lunch, we will travel to Quantico. We will spend a couple of hours in Quantico, Virginia –to the United States Marine Corps Museum. This is probably one of most impressive museums we have ever visited. It is AMAZING. You can see the actual flag that was flown on Iwo Jima (That is just one exhibit that will leave you in awe) Not many groups visit Quantico, but Happy Trails Tours does, and you’ll see why we love adding it to our itinerary. You will be able to get lunch in their cafeteria at the museum.
6:00 pm- Estimated arrival to the hotel ~ take the rest of the evening at your leisure.
Day 5: April 2 (Saturday) More Sights and Sounds of Washington DC
I have been trying for many months to get timed tickets for the U.S. Capital Building. Because everyone else is also trying to get these tickets, the U.S. Capital rep has suggested we get in line by 7:30 am. They don't sell any of the first hour tours (8:30 am). They keep those just for groups like ours. We will depart the hotel around 6:45 am (or a little earlier if need be) and get ourselves in line for the tour. FYI: If we were to go through our local state representatives, we could only get 25 of you in. That leaves 1/2 of us out! Sorry. That won't work! So we will rise bright and early and get ourselves in line for our U.S. Capital Tour. If this changes, we'll adjust the schedule to accommodate the appointment. It means things get shuffled around, but eventually we get in unless the government prevents us from visiting. So far, we have never had that happen. Please note - no shuttle for handicapped so we all will walk a distance and some of it is "up hill". If you need a wheel chair, bring it! If you are wondering "how far is the walk?" Bring the wheel chair! You will also need someone to push your chair.
6:00 am-Breakfast is served at the hotel. Help yourselves before you have to be on board the coach.
6:45 am- Board the bus. Or even a bit earlier if our Washington DC Guide recommends it.
Visit the Nation’s Capitol Building. A brief introductory film begins our tour and then we’ll walk with our tour guide through Statuary Hall and the Great Rotunda. This is about a two-hour tour. We’ll be wearing head-sets so that we can hear the guide as we walk.
11:00 am-Once our Capital Tour is completed, we'll walk over to Grant's Statue for our group photo shoot appointment.
11:45 - 2:30 pm- Visit the Museum of American History Smithsonian.
We will visit the Natural Smithsonian on a different day. We are going to split them up as it works better in the schedule.
3:00 pm- Travel to Arlington National Cemetery. Here, you’ll board a “Tourmobile Tram” and see the Kennedy Grave Sites and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This tour is fully narrated. On our way to Arlington, we’ll also stop by the Iwo Jima Memorial and drive by the National Cathedral.
On our return to the hotel, we'll stop by the Air Force Memorial and the Police Memorial.
6:00 pm- Return to the hotel and enjoy the rest of the evening as per your own agenda.
Day 6: April 3 (Sunday) More Sights and Sounds of Washington DC
6:30-8:30-Enjoy the early morning as per your own agenda. Breakfast is served in the restaurant at the hotel.
8:30 am- We're off bright and early this morning for another wonderful day!
9:45 am -Arrive to the National Archives for our 10:45 am appointment.
Our tour here will conclude around 12:45 pm. (Time will be made for lunch)
1:00 - 5:15 pm- After our National Archive tour, we will make time to visit the National Museum of Natural History.
We have a nice block of time here so we may add some other sites as well as the National Museum of Natural History. Stay tuned.
5:15 pm- Board the coach and travel to the restaurant for dinner.
6:00 pm - Dinner at Carmines! is included tonight at Italian Restaurant - a local favorite. (Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns)
Menu : Mixed Greens; Penne Alla Vodka Pasta; Eggplant Parmigiana; Chicken Marsala & Mushrooms; Garlic Bread; Dessert; Coffee; Soda; Tea
7:30 pm- Dinner Concludes.
After dinner, we'll take you on a delightful Night Tour where you'll see Jefferson, FDR and MLK Memorials before returning to thehotel.
9:30 pm- Return to the hotel and enjoy the rest of the evening as per your own agenda.
6:30-8:00- Breakfast is served in the restaurant at the hotel. Help yourselves.
Meet our Washington DC Tour Guide at the hotel.
Our guide will be with us throughout the next four days while we are in the Federal City.
7:15 am-Board the coach and begin exploring this amazing historic city! We had hoped for a later departure this morning but the only appointment time we could get for Ford's Theater was 9 a m.
(This was our appointment in 2019. It may be confirmed a different time in 2022.)
Arrive to downtown DC for our visit to the Ford’s Theater!
8:30 am- We'll get in line for our 9 am appointment. We were finally able to secure tickets for a 9 AM on this Thursday. We don't get many choices in "when and what time" for many of the DC attractions. So, we are thrilled to be visiting Ford's Theater first thing in the morning and to start out our wonderful five days in the city.
After our Ford's Theater visit, our plan is to visit a variety of historic DC attractions prior to visiting the capitol building...
Vietnam, Korean, Lincoln Memorials and the World War II Memorials.
We will tuck a lunch break in this afternoon time - prior to continuing touring throughout the day.
After lunch, we will travel to Quantico. We will spend a couple of hours in Quantico, Virginia –to the United States Marine Corps Museum. This is probably one of most impressive museums we have ever visited. It is AMAZING. You can see the actual flag that was flown on Iwo Jima (That is just one exhibit that will leave you in awe) Not many groups visit Quantico, but Happy Trails Tours does, and you’ll see why we love adding it to our itinerary. You will be able to get lunch in their cafeteria at the museum.
6:00 pm- Estimated arrival to the hotel ~ take the rest of the evening at your leisure.
Day 5: April 2 (Saturday) More Sights and Sounds of Washington DC
I have been trying for many months to get timed tickets for the U.S. Capital Building. Because everyone else is also trying to get these tickets, the U.S. Capital rep has suggested we get in line by 7:30 am. They don't sell any of the first hour tours (8:30 am). They keep those just for groups like ours. We will depart the hotel around 6:45 am (or a little earlier if need be) and get ourselves in line for the tour. FYI: If we were to go through our local state representatives, we could only get 25 of you in. That leaves 1/2 of us out! Sorry. That won't work! So we will rise bright and early and get ourselves in line for our U.S. Capital Tour. If this changes, we'll adjust the schedule to accommodate the appointment. It means things get shuffled around, but eventually we get in unless the government prevents us from visiting. So far, we have never had that happen. Please note - no shuttle for handicapped so we all will walk a distance and some of it is "up hill". If you need a wheel chair, bring it! If you are wondering "how far is the walk?" Bring the wheel chair! You will also need someone to push your chair.
6:00 am-Breakfast is served at the hotel. Help yourselves before you have to be on board the coach.
6:45 am- Board the bus. Or even a bit earlier if our Washington DC Guide recommends it.
Visit the Nation’s Capitol Building. A brief introductory film begins our tour and then we’ll walk with our tour guide through Statuary Hall and the Great Rotunda. This is about a two-hour tour. We’ll be wearing head-sets so that we can hear the guide as we walk.
11:00 am-Once our Capital Tour is completed, we'll walk over to Grant's Statue for our group photo shoot appointment.
11:45 - 2:30 pm- Visit the Museum of American History Smithsonian.
We will visit the Natural Smithsonian on a different day. We are going to split them up as it works better in the schedule.
3:00 pm- Travel to Arlington National Cemetery. Here, you’ll board a “Tourmobile Tram” and see the Kennedy Grave Sites and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This tour is fully narrated. On our way to Arlington, we’ll also stop by the Iwo Jima Memorial and drive by the National Cathedral.
On our return to the hotel, we'll stop by the Air Force Memorial and the Police Memorial.
6:00 pm- Return to the hotel and enjoy the rest of the evening as per your own agenda.
Day 6: April 3 (Sunday) More Sights and Sounds of Washington DC
6:30-8:30-Enjoy the early morning as per your own agenda. Breakfast is served in the restaurant at the hotel.
8:30 am- We're off bright and early this morning for another wonderful day!
9:45 am -Arrive to the National Archives for our 10:45 am appointment.
Our tour here will conclude around 12:45 pm. (Time will be made for lunch)
1:00 - 5:15 pm- After our National Archive tour, we will make time to visit the National Museum of Natural History.
We have a nice block of time here so we may add some other sites as well as the National Museum of Natural History. Stay tuned.
5:15 pm- Board the coach and travel to the restaurant for dinner.
6:00 pm - Dinner at Carmines! is included tonight at Italian Restaurant - a local favorite. (Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns)
Menu : Mixed Greens; Penne Alla Vodka Pasta; Eggplant Parmigiana; Chicken Marsala & Mushrooms; Garlic Bread; Dessert; Coffee; Soda; Tea
7:30 pm- Dinner Concludes.
After dinner, we'll take you on a delightful Night Tour where you'll see Jefferson, FDR and MLK Memorials before returning to thehotel.
9:30 pm- Return to the hotel and enjoy the rest of the evening as per your own agenda.
Day 7: April 4(Monday) More Sights and Sounds of Washington DC
6:30-9:00 am -Breakfast is served in the restaurant at the hotel. Help yourselves.
9:15 am - Depart the hotel and travel to Steven F Udvar-Hazy Center.
The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center is the companion facility of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, located near our hotel. Its two huge hangars — the Boeing Aviation Hangar and the James S. McDonnell Space Hangar — display thousands of aviation and space artifacts, including a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, a Concorde, and the Space Shuttle Discovery. You will LOVE this museum!
11:45 am- Depart for Mount Vernon.
12:30 pm- Lunch, included, at the Mount Vernon Inn (Restaurant is located on the grounds-several plated entrée’s to pick from).
Enjoy our time at Mount Vernon, home of George Washington – Here’s where we’ll spend the remainder of the day.
5:00 pm- Return to the hotel for the rest of the day to enjoy as per your own agenda.
Day 8: April 5 (Tuesday) Travel to Gettysburg, PA 80 Miles
6:30-8:00-Enjoy Breakfast, included. 7:00 am- Set your luggage outside your doors for the porter.
8:00 am Board the coach and begin traveling to Gettysburg – arriving to the downtown area where you can explore as per your own agenda.
12:15 pm- Lunch, included, at the historic Dobbin House tonight. (Several plated entrée’s to pick from). This property dates back to the 1700’s and is charming and filled with history. (The food is delicious, too!) Be sure to walk up the winding staircase to the upper level.
2:00 pm- Re-board the coach for your visit to the Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum, Cyclorama Film
Following the Cyclorama Film we'll begin our narrated drive through the National Park Drive with a Park Ranger.
6:00 pm- Check into our hotel tonight.
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn – 1061 York Rd, Gettysburg, PA # 717-334-2040
6:30-9:00 am -Breakfast is served in the restaurant at the hotel. Help yourselves.
9:15 am - Depart the hotel and travel to Steven F Udvar-Hazy Center.
The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center is the companion facility of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, located near our hotel. Its two huge hangars — the Boeing Aviation Hangar and the James S. McDonnell Space Hangar — display thousands of aviation and space artifacts, including a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, a Concorde, and the Space Shuttle Discovery. You will LOVE this museum!
11:45 am- Depart for Mount Vernon.
12:30 pm- Lunch, included, at the Mount Vernon Inn (Restaurant is located on the grounds-several plated entrée’s to pick from).
Enjoy our time at Mount Vernon, home of George Washington – Here’s where we’ll spend the remainder of the day.
5:00 pm- Return to the hotel for the rest of the day to enjoy as per your own agenda.
Day 8: April 5 (Tuesday) Travel to Gettysburg, PA 80 Miles
6:30-8:00-Enjoy Breakfast, included. 7:00 am- Set your luggage outside your doors for the porter.
8:00 am Board the coach and begin traveling to Gettysburg – arriving to the downtown area where you can explore as per your own agenda.
12:15 pm- Lunch, included, at the historic Dobbin House tonight. (Several plated entrée’s to pick from). This property dates back to the 1700’s and is charming and filled with history. (The food is delicious, too!) Be sure to walk up the winding staircase to the upper level.
2:00 pm- Re-board the coach for your visit to the Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum, Cyclorama Film
Following the Cyclorama Film we'll begin our narrated drive through the National Park Drive with a Park Ranger.
6:00 pm- Check into our hotel tonight.
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn – 1061 York Rd, Gettysburg, PA # 717-334-2040
Day 9: April 6 (Wednesday) Travel to Grove City, Ohio 360 Miles
Enjoy the early morning as per your own agenda. Breakfast is served at the hotel. 7:00 am- Set your luggage out.
8:00 am- We’ll check out of the hotel begin our journey homeward through Pennsylvania and Ohio.
10:30- We are so close to the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA, that we have decided to visit this touching memorial. We have been stopping at this sight for the past few years and have been watching this work in progress. We hope you find it as touching as we do.
12:30 – Board the coach. Travel through the lovely states of Ohio before arriving to Grove City, Ohio.
6:00 pm- Estimated arrival to Grove City. Light dinner and drinks begin at 5:30 and go until 7 pm.
Hotel: Drury Inn Columbus South–4109 Parkway Centre Drive, Grove City, OH # 614-875-7000
The Drury Inn will offer a wonderful hot buffet of appetizers, snacks and hot & cold beverages upon our arrival. Many people tell us they are satisfied with what is offered. However, there is a nice restaurant within walking distance. This property also offers two beds in the room, coffee makers, microwaves, hair dryers, irons & ironing boards.
Day 10: April 7 (Thursday) Travel to Elgin, Illinois 394 Miles
6:00 am-The breakfast room opens-Hot Breakfast is served included.
Set your luggage outside your door for the porter when you go to breakfast no later than 7 am.
8:00 am- The bus departs. We'll make stops throughout the day as needed.
Our estimated arrival home tonight will be 6:00 pm (Central). We'll gain our hour back today as we return to central time.
6:00 pm- (Central Time) – Arrive to Elgin, Illinois.
Hotel: Country Inn & Suites - 2270 Point Blvd, Elgin, IL # 847-426-6410
This property has an indoor pool, coffeemakers, irons & ironing boards in the rooms as well as hair dryers. They also offer a very good breakfast in the morning and nearby a great restaurant for dinner “Jimmy’s Char House” (within walking distance).
Day 11: April 8 (Friday) Homeward Bound 372 miles to Eau Clair, WI (+ 159 to Duluth) or (+236 to Baxter)
A Hot breakfast is served at the hotel.
6:45 am- Set your luggage outside your doors this morning. 7:45 am- The bus departs for home.
11:30 am- Estimated arrival to Madison, Wi (Lunch break); 3:30 pm- Estimated arrival to Eau Clair, WI – Oakdale Mall. Meet our Driver/Shuttle.
1:45 pm- We’ll depart Eau Clair. At this time we’ll also say good-bye to our west-central friends as here is where they will meet their shuttle ride.
Our friends from Central Minnesota will arrive home between 8 pm to Baxter.
Our friends from the Duluth / Superior area will arrive home between 6:45 - 7:00 pm.
Our friends from the Iron Range Cities - 8:15 pm to Eveleth; 8:30 to Virginia; 9:00 to Hibbing; 9:45 pm to Grand Rapids.
Enjoy the early morning as per your own agenda. Breakfast is served at the hotel. 7:00 am- Set your luggage out.
8:00 am- We’ll check out of the hotel begin our journey homeward through Pennsylvania and Ohio.
10:30- We are so close to the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA, that we have decided to visit this touching memorial. We have been stopping at this sight for the past few years and have been watching this work in progress. We hope you find it as touching as we do.
12:30 – Board the coach. Travel through the lovely states of Ohio before arriving to Grove City, Ohio.
6:00 pm- Estimated arrival to Grove City. Light dinner and drinks begin at 5:30 and go until 7 pm.
Hotel: Drury Inn Columbus South–4109 Parkway Centre Drive, Grove City, OH # 614-875-7000
The Drury Inn will offer a wonderful hot buffet of appetizers, snacks and hot & cold beverages upon our arrival. Many people tell us they are satisfied with what is offered. However, there is a nice restaurant within walking distance. This property also offers two beds in the room, coffee makers, microwaves, hair dryers, irons & ironing boards.
Day 10: April 7 (Thursday) Travel to Elgin, Illinois 394 Miles
6:00 am-The breakfast room opens-Hot Breakfast is served included.
Set your luggage outside your door for the porter when you go to breakfast no later than 7 am.
8:00 am- The bus departs. We'll make stops throughout the day as needed.
Our estimated arrival home tonight will be 6:00 pm (Central). We'll gain our hour back today as we return to central time.
6:00 pm- (Central Time) – Arrive to Elgin, Illinois.
Hotel: Country Inn & Suites - 2270 Point Blvd, Elgin, IL # 847-426-6410
This property has an indoor pool, coffeemakers, irons & ironing boards in the rooms as well as hair dryers. They also offer a very good breakfast in the morning and nearby a great restaurant for dinner “Jimmy’s Char House” (within walking distance).
Day 11: April 8 (Friday) Homeward Bound 372 miles to Eau Clair, WI (+ 159 to Duluth) or (+236 to Baxter)
A Hot breakfast is served at the hotel.
6:45 am- Set your luggage outside your doors this morning. 7:45 am- The bus departs for home.
11:30 am- Estimated arrival to Madison, Wi (Lunch break); 3:30 pm- Estimated arrival to Eau Clair, WI – Oakdale Mall. Meet our Driver/Shuttle.
1:45 pm- We’ll depart Eau Clair. At this time we’ll also say good-bye to our west-central friends as here is where they will meet their shuttle ride.
Our friends from Central Minnesota will arrive home between 8 pm to Baxter.
Our friends from the Duluth / Superior area will arrive home between 6:45 - 7:00 pm.
Our friends from the Iron Range Cities - 8:15 pm to Eveleth; 8:30 to Virginia; 9:00 to Hibbing; 9:45 pm to Grand Rapids.
The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum
Thank you for your interest in our Washington DC and Gettysburg Tour. We've been bringing groups to our Nation's Capitol for almost as many years as we've been in business ... and that's a long time!
In late March, the Cherry Blossoms are often at peak during this time and we have been honored in past visits to experience them first hand! This year, we will continue to keep our DC tour set for the end of March because it allows us another wonderful opportunity to hit it about the time the National Park Service says they'll be at peak season. Though nothing’s guaranteed, we can certainly hope for the best. As an FYI: Easter Sunday is April 17, 2022.
Because of the Covid pandemic, our Washington DC tours for 2020 and now 2021 have had to be cancelled. I’m sure you’ll agree we need to get back to some normalcy in our lives and traveling is one of those parts of normalcy! We need each other and we need to get back to “dreaming” of all the wonderful places that await our visit. Our Nation’s Capital is one of those places.
You can save $75.00 per person on this tour with early registration! Get your deposit in no later than June 1, 2021 and take advantage of this savings. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. No seats are held without a deposit paid.
One last thing before closing, travel protection insurance is very important. It not only helps protect your travel investment should a unforeseen cancellation occur after the deadline date (Dec. 20, 2021), but it also covers weather delays and peace of mind. Minnesota winters and springs can be brutal. Several years ago, we actually left the day ahead and rerouted the tour to avoid a huge winter storm! All stayed safe and we made it to DC just fine. The travel insurance helped to defray the added expense of the extra hotel nights. A travel brochure should be included in your brochure packet. If not, be sure to ask for one by calling us at 800-635-7779. We'll get one off to you ASAP!
Thank you and we hope to see you on our Washington DC tour in the Spring of 2022!
Warm Regards,
Diane Olds
Diane Olds
Happy Trails Tours, INC